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monstrous creatures cover



I think this will be ok to showcase now.

I was seriously flattered to be contacted by Jeff VanderMeer about some art I had sent him, and after some emailing back and forth, he decided to use me to design the limited edition of his newest non-fiction collection, and further more, he and the great team at Raw Dog Screaming, gave me the freedom to go all out on the cover itself.

I tried to keep it simple, but the most fun was the small nods of the head I threw in that should make the lucky fans happy to find.

Which was awesome to do, since I'm a big fan of Jeff's work and I try to turn people on to his books as much as possible.

In fact, the day he contacted me about working with him, I glanced over at the box I was wrapping for a friend with a copy of Finch, a book he had written, inside.

I don't normally do huge breakdowns of any artwork or writing I do, but in this case I wanted the final project to be the type of book that engages me on the shelf, even though the people buying this book will already be hardcore fans of Jeff's work, I still wanted it to be as striking addition to their shelf or tables.

So every part of the cover I tried to make a compliment to the piece as a whole; from adding the logos to the ribbon on the book, to the picture being 'taped' to the panels, to the back text being in a pleasing shape to add attention and draw it to the back art, which I made especially for the book after having it sit in my brain for a week or two.

The font is based on Edward Gorey (another favorite as you may know through past projects), some of the textures were by me, but I also used my absolute favorite texture artist dead_calm for some of it, so if you need an interesting texture, I cannot stress enough that dead_calm is on of the best.

She is seriously great.

It was an immensely fun project as well, and it came together in a nonstop roil of work.

No false starts, just blam. Done.

This is easily one of the coolest things I have ever done or been a part of, and I can't thank everyone involved enough for the opportunity.

PS: The font was actually designed by MC Frontalot I discovered.

PSS: If you felt like guilt tripping Raw Dog into collecting my writing for a release I wouldn't mind. hahah!
Image size
864x392px 342.23 KB
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